21 December, 2023

How to Cope with Unemployment During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many companies and organizations scrambling to maintain employment levels and still manage to remain in operation. It’s a time for bold innovation and a willingness to adopt new methods to cope with unemployment during COVID-19 pandemic.
6 December, 2023

Die Neuheit am Stellenmarkt – Erste globale Job-Plattform aus der Schweiz!
JobsMarkt bietet viel versprechende Perspektiven am Stellenmarkt!
JobsMarkt – Die Neuheit am Stellenmarkt erste globale, innovative digitale Job-Plattform aus der Schweiz, welche für mehr Transparenz im Markt der Job-Plattformen sorgt. JobsMarkt ist einfach die beste Jobbörse für Arbeitgeber und Personalvermittler, um ihre lokalen und globalen Job Anzeige zu veröffentlichen. Die Stellenausschreibung auf JobsMarkt ist schnell und unkompliziert.
6 December, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Recruiting and the Connected Workforce
AI – Recruiting technology and Connected Workforce – the Future of Hiring and Employment!
Many employers are concerned that they won’t have a connected workforce, yet don’t fully understand the concept. The other side of the coin is that the idea of a connected workforce is meeting resistance, primarily due to employer concerns over cost and a basic resistance to change. In some areas, it’s combined with a fear of artificial intelligence recruiting tools that help make a connected workforce possible.